Wednesday, March 16, 2011

HTML (HyperText Markup Language)

HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is a language used to create web pages on the internet. HTML allows you to display text, images, links to other pages, create a form, insert video, sound, and a wide - range of other formats.

Here we will review the basics of HTML Tag
1. Heading
2. Paragraph
3. Font Settings
4. Color Document
5. Link
6. Displaying Images
7. Using Tables
8. Cellpadding and cellspacing
and so on.

HTML Document Structure

HTML document is actually just a plain text file that is equipped with special signs like (tags) that determine how text is displayed. Therefore, HTML documents can be created using simple text editor such as Notepad, EditPlus, vi, and so forth. But now it has a lot of visual editor for HTML, such as: Microsoft Front Page, Macromedia Dreamweaver, Adobe GoLive, and others.

HTML tags usually are the tags that are paired and marked with the symbol '
', While the spouse or the end of the command of a tag marked with a' / ', for example, pairs of tags are.

HTML documents are usually saved with the extension. Htm or. Html. To open this HTML document, you need a web browser. Examples of widely used web browsers are: Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, and so forth. Here is an example of a simple HTML document.
note: "Click this image if unclear!"

If the document is opened in a browser will look like below;

HTML documents can be divided into two parts, namely the head (HEAD) and body (body). The head is marked with tags In this section is usually filled with additional information useful to the web browser when viewing the page, or information for search engines. Parts of the body enclosed in tag contents of this document and other HTML tags are placed in this area.

One important element that lies at the head is the title. as shown in the example above, the text enclosed in tags displayed on the web browser title bar.

Windows XP Running Slow? - Easy Ways to Fix Your Slow Computer

Do you remember when you first bought your computer? It went well and runs very fast but as you use it everyday you may have noticed your computer starts to slow down. This is a common problem of all Windows-based computers. This problem can be serious and there are several ways you can do to fix windows Xp computer is running slow.

Memory plays an important function in your PC. It handles all the tasks at hand and is very important that you have as much memory as possible. If you have limited memory or most used and it is important for you to avoid opening too many programs at the same time. If you have more budget, it is advisable to add some RAM to improve your PC performance.

A fragmented hard drive is another cause for the PC slow. This is because when you use your PC hard drive will be fragmented. This means that the hard drive is having trouble to retrieve files needed for the operation because they are spread all over the place. This can be solved easily by running the disk defragmenter regularly.

Malicious programs designed to destroy other programs needed to drive your PC. If your PC is infected by a virus, malware, adware, and spyware, it can slow down or not functioning at all. To remove these malicious programs are advised to install anti-virus, anti-malware, anti-adware, and anti-spyware program. There are several free programs that you can download from the internet. However, you must update these programs every day on a regular basis.

registry is an important part of the window that greatly affect the performance of your PC. In the registry will be damaged, can be caused by missing files or registry errors caused by some malicious programs / Viruses. This problem can easily be repaired by installing a registry cleaner. Registry cleaner will scan and fix registry errors and windows Xp stop running slow and will speed up your computer quickly.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Facing The Same ( Saturation )

As an ordinary man we often experience burnout, especially faced with the same activity on each day.

Did You Feel bored with your time and your work routine everyday?

Always doing the same thing is boring. Especially if you think you have more capabilities. In order to get out and developing those skills, you should start getting used to think Out of the box or think against the current.

An employee who has been accustomed to working within a strict system will indeed be hard to get out of the "Box". However, it all depends on your intentions as well. Here are some things that may or may often be a barrier wall.

Too deify logic.

Thinking according to the logic is very good. However, when the logic is too dominate the results certainly do not either. So let's Balance between logic and heart.

Too stiff by Regulation

Things like this usually become an obstacle for someone to move forward. Rules are made so that all run regularly. However, there are times when you are being more flexible when faced with a problem.

too restrictive on Expertise

Each employee must have JobsDesk respectively. Usually, because the division of labor, the relationship between employees so individualistic, and ultimately created the principle of "Your Work, yes you do. ToDo I, yes I am a doing." perhaps we could help each other in the work if it can be done.

Looks Scared Stupid

Behave out of habit maybe and again to break the sense of saturation. For example, if you usually spend this time with a lunch break followed by a nap. Try to change to something more fun as well as an example by reading books that you enjoy doing after lunch or something fun you think.

Maybe this is all I can express, may be inspiration for you